
Here at Alwyn Rehabilitation Hospital, we look upon April Falls Day as one of the ways we can give back to the community. Invitations had been sent to former patients, carers and other consumers and this year over 40 people attended.

Clinical Care Manager – Lynette Foskett, Occupational Therapist – Theresa Poak and Social Worker – Natasha Salimbeni were the featured speakers, reinforcing education on Falls Prevention, in particular how confusion can contribute to falls. The talks centered around causes of falls, specifically post anaesthesia and medication, various strategies to prevent falls inside the home and a demonstration of techniques of how to recover after a fall plus information on getting active in the community. Patients were shown how to access the Active & Health website to find exercise programs in their local area.

Following the presentations a beautiful morning tea prepared by our chef was offered and attendees were able to speak with staff including doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and the social worker. Furthermore, participants were provided with information packs to take home and asked to evaluate the event.

The feedback from all participants was positive. The presentations struck a chord with David Payten with him remarking that “it was a real pleasure to be invited and that the presentations were really valuable to help with his lifestyle”.

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