On June 6, 2014, Alwyn Rehabilitation Hospital was again surveyed under the ISO:9001 hospital accreditation process. Apart from the ISO survey we were also judged on the first 3 National standards which we passed with flying colours. Not only did we pass but we received a total of 8 “Met with Merit”.
These included
- Actions are taken to minimise risks to patient safety and quality of care
- An organisation-wide quality management system is used and regularly monitored
- Mechanisms are in place to identify patients at increased risk of harm
- Early action is taken to reduce the risks for at-risk patients
- The health service organisation establishes mechanisms for engaging consumers and/or carers in the strategic and/or operational planning for the organisation
- Consumers and/or carers provide feedback on patient information publications prepared by the health service organisation (for distribution to patients)
- Action is taken to incorporate consumer and/or carers’ feedback into publications prepared by the health service organisation for distribution to patients
- Compliance rates from hand hygiene audits are regularly reported to the highest level of governance in the organisation
Management were extremely happy with the outcome and recognised all the hard work done my all members of the Alwyn team