2 Staff Members reach 20 years of Service to Alwyn

In April, we celebrated another length of service award.

30 April 2015

Length of Service Awards

In August 2014 we celebrated with a lovely morning tea, two staff members length of service

2 February 2015

Patients provide staff lunch

The staff at Alwyn were very fortunate to have lunch organised for them by four ex patients.

7 July 2014

ISO Accreditation

On June 6, 2014, Alwyn Rehabilitation Hospital was again surveyed under the ISO:9001 hospital accreditation process.

27 June 2014

April Falls Day

On April 1, 2014 staff provided a wonderfully successful Falls Prevention Education Day.

27 June 2014

Inner West Local Business Awards Finalist

On June 25, Management and several staff members attended a gala evening at Burwood RSL.

27 June 2014

Alwyn maintains full accreditation

Alwyn Rehabilitation Hospital has maintained full accreditation status since 1989.

6 August 2013

Alwyn celebrates Christmas in July

Earlier this year, Alwyn held its Christmas in July lunch for all the patients and staff.

1 August 2013

Marie celebrates 35 years with Alwyn

In April of this year, Marie celebrated her 35th anniversary of working

8 May 2013
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